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April 3, 2021

Understanding Child Custody

Child custody refers to the rights and responsibilities between parents for taking care of their children. In the case of a divorce, you will need to decide on who gets custody of a child. Either parent can have custody, or both parents can share custody. You will also need to decide on visitation, meaning how […]

March 31, 2021

Helping Teenagers Adjust After Divorce

Experiencing the divorce of parents can be difficult for people of all ages to endure, but it can be especially challenging during the teenage years when there are already so many changes happening. Not only is it a time of rapid physical development and deep emotional changes, there are also social changes such as attending […]

March 23, 2021

The Benefits Of Estate Planning, Part One

Contrary to popular belief, an estate is not a white mansion with columns out front and acres of farmland and cattle. Everything that you own, from your car and house to your clothes and pets, is part of your estate. When you pass, something has to be done with your estate. This is where estate […]

March 1, 2021

Common Divorce Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

When it comes to divorce, no person’s situation is exactly the same as another’s, making every divorce case different. But no matter which way you look at it, it is typically always a complex process. This is why today we are going to cover some of the most common mistakes we see people make while […]

February 25, 2021

Reasons To Hire A Real Estate Lawyer

Purchasing a home is one of the most significant financial investments that most people make. Regardless if you are buying or selling real estate, whether it be a home, apartment, condominium, or something else, hiring a real estate attorney will help to protect you against unexpected bumps in the road that commonly occur during closing […]

January 14, 2021

What Kinds Of Cases Do Family Lawyers Handle?

Many of us are familiar with criminal lawyers from television shows and movies where they will go in front of a judge and present arguments for their clients. Family lawyers, on the other hand, may not be as flashy but are equally as important. Just about everyone will need the services of a family lawyer […]


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