Some people may be eligible on paper for a green card but may not be able to get the green card while they reside in the United States. Many people apply for their green card using the Adjustment of Status process, which means they must be present in the United States on a current non-immigration visa. However, some applying for their green card may not be eligible for an adjustment of their status while within the United States but may also be afraid to leave in order to use the other path to getting their green card, which is through Consular Processing. They might be afraid to leave because their presence within the United States may have been unlawful at one time or another and could end up blocking their return to their family. Not having a current status and not being able to leave the country means you likely feel as if you have very few options when it comes to applying for your green card.
With a provisional waiver, however, you can file the applicated before leaving the United States and remove the uncertainty that you won’t be allowed back in with your family. If you are facing a difficult immigration application or are unsure whether or not a provisional waiver could benefit your situation, our immigration lawyers are here to help you. They can answer your questions about the waiver program and help you determine whether or not it is the best course of action for your situation.