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Four Reasons To Mediate Your Divorce

It can probably go without saying that divorce can be a contentious process with strong emotions on all sides. When things heat up, it’s tempting to accept that a divorce can and should be all-out warfare in a courtroom, but is that really the best course of action for all involved? Does divorce (or any […]...


Child Custody During The Pandemic

As people are being asked to stay home and limit exposure to others during the COVID-19 pandemic, important questions naturally arise from divorced parents feeling conflicted about how to adhere to these guidelines and stay healthy when their children are supposed to be dividing time between two households. To help ease these concerns, we have […]...


Child Custody Hearing: What To Expect & More

When you’re going through a divorce, possibly one of the most complicated steps is determining child custody, creating a schedule, and establishing rules and expectations that both parents can agree to. Generally, there are two types of child custody, legal and physical, and these two can be broken down into sole custody and joint custody. […]...


The 4 Different Types Of Child Custody

In an ideal situation, parents who are going through a divorce will be able to come to an agreement on child custody on their own. They will decide when the child will spend their time at each parent’s home, how much time, and who will be responsible for various things, such as school meetings, who […]...


What Goes Into Deciding Child Custody

The entire divorce process is undoubtedly an emotional, overwhelming, stressful, and life-changing process. When you decide to end a relationship, whether it’s been one year of marriage or 30, if you have children or not, to say that the decision is difficult is an understatement. When you need to divide assets, savings, and belongings, there […]...


How To Fire A Family Lawyer

If you’ve ever been in a situation where you have needed to fire someone, you know it’s not the easiest thing to do. But when it comes to firing your family lawyer, the process is fairly straightforward and should be kept as professional as possible, which can sometimes take some stress out of the situation. […]...


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