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July 28, 2020

Green Card Eligibility Categories And How To Apply

A green card (or a Permanent Resident Card) allows non-United States citizens to gain permanent residence to the U.S. Many individuals and families want a green card because it allows them to lawfully live and work anywhere in the United States and to qualify for U.S. citizenship after three to five years. There are many […]

July 13, 2020

3 More Key Elements Of A Good Estate Plan

Life takes planning. It’s important to have a vision of where you are going and make a plan of how you are going to get there. This usually entails little steps, daily, weekly, monthly, and sometimes yearly. In the end, you accomplish what you set out to do. This is how success happens in life […]

July 8, 2020

How To Help Your Child Through Divorce

Each year, thousands of children experience the stress and grief that comes with divorce. As a parent, it is important to know how to help your child through this difficult time. While the way they handle this kind of news will vary greatly on their age as well as their personality, maturity, and temperament, we […]

July 1, 2020

3 Key Elements Of A Good Estate Plan

When you sit down to formulate your will and begin to think about planning for what will happen to your assets once you’re gone, you begin to realize that there are more pieces to this puzzle than meets the eye. A will is a great tool to have; unfortunately, it’s not the only tool in […]

June 14, 2020

Tips To Prepare For Divorce

Going through a divorce is one of the hardest things that you’ll do in your life. Ending a marriage isn’t something that’s usually done quickly; it’s a process wherein you’ll need to negotiate the minute details of your life as you work to separate it from your former spouse. Some divorces are more complicated than others, […]

June 1, 2020

Benefits Of A Family Lawyer

Is it worth it to hire a lawyer to help you settle family matters? Things like divorce, separation, mediation, and child custody can all be settled outside the courtroom, for the most part. However, can they be settled successfully without lawyers involved? Our answer may surprise you (since we are family lawyers). We do believe […]


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